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Jan Delaney

Jul 8th, 1941 - Oct 16th, 2015


Obituary placement courtesy of Frank & Bright Funeral Home.


     Janice Kay “Jan” Delaney was born July 8th, 1941 at Flora, Illinois.  She was the eldest of four children born to Robert Francis Delaney and Helen Gladys Boze.  Jan received her education at Flora, where she graduated from high school in 1959.  She continued her schooling at the McKendree College in Lebanon, Illinois before transferring to the George Peabody Teacher’s College in Nashville, Tennessee.  After earning her degree, Jan taught high school English for two years in Louisville, Illinois.  She then moved to North Dakota to work in the library at Dickinson State College for two more years.

     In 1970 Jan came to Montana where she taught school at Plains, Cut Bank, Inverness, the Gildford Colony, and the Sage Creek Colony.  She “fell in love with the Hi-Line” and made her home in Rudyard during the next 30 years.  During the summer months or when she wasn’t teaching, Jan stayed busy delivering newspapers, selling books, running a hobby greenhouse, doing contract cleaning, and managing a local restaurant.  She loved genealogy & history, so she became very active in researching local historical events.  Jan & her Rudyard friend, Lydia Langel, who were like daughter and mother, travelled up-and-down the Hi-Line to document these interesting stories.  Together, they identified all of the burials at the Rudyard Cemetery and solicited donations to provide headstones for all of the “unmarked” graves.  Jan was also instrumental in acquiring the old Railroad Depot in Rudyard and soliciting funds to have it relocated & remodeled to house the site of the present Rudyard Museum.  She spent countless hours on this project with other Rudyard friends to make this the wonderful facility it is today!

     In 2000 Jan moved to Teller, Alaska to work as a teacher in the Bering Strait School District.  During her 14 years there, Jan continued to travel to Montana in the summers to renew old friendships.  She enjoyed spending time at her home in Rudyard and at her little “getaway” trailer in Plains.  Jan kept up on local events through e-mails, phone calls, & news publications.  In addition she wrote a weekly article for the Liberty County Times (Chester, MT) and the Clay County Republic (Flora, IL) newspapers; this article was called “North from Alaska” where Jan shared interesting tidbits about her new life & friends in the north country.

     During her time in Alaska, Jan developed a close relationship with a fellow-teacher, Pamela Haugan and her family, who hailed from Watford City, N.D.  When Jan completed her Alaskan teaching contract in 2014, she accepted a teaching position at Parshall, N.D. (which is near Watford City).   While there she continued to write an article called “Around the Edges” for the Liberty County Times, which kept her Hi-Line friends informed about the Bakken oil boom in western North Dakota.  Because Jan developed recurring health issues secondary to her breast cancer, she finished her final school year at Parshall this spring. 

     Over the years Jan made several memorable trips to Rudyard, England to research & meet the ancestors of the families who settled in Rudyard, Mt.   This past June she was fortunate to take one last trip to England for a special celebration and to say farewell to the many friends she made over the years.

     Jan returned to her home in Rudyard with her friend, Pamela, who assisted with her medical needs and helped plan her final details.  Jan died peacefully, knowing she lead a full & active life, at her home on Friday evening (October 16th, 2015).  She was 74 years old.

     Jan was baptized in 1957 at the Charley Brown Memorial Park in Flora, Illinois.  She maintained a private & quiet spirituality throughout her life.

     Jan’s love of people, genealogy, history, writing, and travelling was well-known.  She enjoyed attending TOPS meetings & coffee klatches with her many Hi-Line friends.  She was also an avid reader who was always eager to learn.   She loved to travel “the country back roads” to experience new sceneries & adventures.  She was a selfless woman who felt blessed during her lifetime, so she believed & practiced in the concept of “paying forward”.  She will be missed…

     Jan was preceded in death by her parents, a brother (Robert Delaney), and a half-brother (Gene Vaughan).

     She is survived by a sister, Lora Jane Delaney of Clay City, IL; a brother, Don Delaney of Flora, IL; a half-sister, Ella Cook of Herrin, IL; and several nieces & nephews.

     Jan was cremated per her wishes with arrangements by Rockman Funeral Chapel in Chester.

     A graveside memorial service was held at 2:00 p.m. Monday (Oct. 19th) at the Rudyard Cemetery.  Personal remembrances were shared by Pamela Haugan, Calvin Haugan, Roger Bak, Jason Stahl, and other friends.  Musical tributes provided by Pamela included “How Great Thou Art” & “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow”.   A coffee hour provided by Hi-Line friends & the Gildford Colony followed at the Rudyard Senior Center. 

     Per Jan’s request, a portion of her ashes were buried in Rudyard on the grave of her friend, Lydia Langel.  The remainder of her ashes will be buried in the Delaney family plot at Foster Hill (Mt. Zion) Cemetery, Clay City, IL.


Jessie Back Tolliver

Jun 10, 1986 - Mar 14, 2025

Mary Anne Maxwell

Feb 22, 1950 - Mar 12, 2025

Barbara Sheffield

Oct 18, 1950 - Mar 6, 2025

June Riley

Jun 4, 1921 - Mar 4, 2025

Kay 'Katy' Fuson

Jul 28, 1945 - Mar 4, 2025




Art & Judy Snell

October 22nd

Don, Jane, Jason, and Darren sorry for the loss of your sister & Aunt. Prayers to your family.

October 22nd

Don and family and Laura. Sorry for the loss of your sister, sending hugs and prayers.

Billye Young

October 22nd

Don and family and Laura, sorry for your loss . I remember her well, sending hugs and prayers

Pauline Frost

October 22nd

So sorry for your loss Lora Jane.

Sister jane

October 22nd

Dear sis. Your memorial service at Rudyard Cemetary was most appropriate and filled with reflections of your 45years in Montana, Alaska and North Dakota. The realization that you are no longer physically in my life and this world "hit" hard this early morning. Thank you for the many memories of back road trips , hamburger and a beer lunches, discussions of sister stuff, politics, religion, social issues, education, the state of the world, literature, English mystery movies and books, and for many other topics us delaney sisters could discuss. You are quite a woman. Again, than you for being my sister! Blessings and joy on your homeward journey. Love you!!! Sister Jane

Jan (Tatum) Lafferty

October 24th

Don and Laura - thoughts are with you

Jim Yates

October 24th

Jan was in the '59 Flora Township High School class and I was in the class of 58. Somehow about 10 years ago we got in contact. We seemed to click as friends and had fun chatting on the phone but mainly emailing each other. She sent very interesting pictures of Teller, Alaska where she was in a remote village teaching elementary school. I use to go through Seattle a lot and she mentioned one time that she would be there for medical reasons and we should coordinate a visit. We did; had a great time just chatting and walking and visiting and had a great dinner. As her obit details, she lead an interesting life. Loved going to England; loved doing volunteer work. I will certainly miss my friend Jan. You get up each morning able to move about because you know those you care about, you love, are in your life. Then one morning, they are not. I hope when I pass someday, that people will say; he always treated me with kindness. I can certainly say that about Jan.

Janna Rankin

October 24th

Fred & Lynne Gocey

October 24th

Lora, I am so sorry for your loss. Sorry you had two losses so close together. I didn't know your sister but she sounds like an amazing person. Thinking of you and your family with prayers.

Barbara Gill

October 25th

to Jan's family, So sorry for your loss. Jan certainly had a full and interesting life. She will be missed by all the lives she touched. My sympathy to your family.

Dennis and Sue Hampsten

October 30th

To the Delaney family, May God be with you and bless you with wonderful memories. It sounds like your sister lived an interesting life. We are sorry for your loss.

Theresa Soolook

December 12th

I deeply miss Jan(us students called her Miss. D), she was my third and fourth grade teacher here in Teller, Alaska. I am currently a junior here and am thinking of fond memories of my very missed friend. I hope all who knew of her kind and friendly nature are all in good health and are prospering in life.



David & Judy Bryden
Marilyn Stanford
Sherry Orel
Ryan & Jessica Muskopf
Debbie (King) Casell
Joe Ellis
Bill & Kay Kitley
Tom and Button Pemberton
George & Nancy Travis
Jack and Dianna Jacobs
Ray Shannon Shad
Elaine Hobbs Wiles
Larry and Sue Kramer
Jim and Jill Fehrenbacher
Joe and Jane Gilliland
Pauline Frost
Myrna Fry
FHS Class of 1959
Elaine Hobbs Wiles
Danny and Kit McGrew
Linda Jo Dennison Harmon
Jim and Sandy Sulsberger
Jane B. Gilliland
Larry Frost
Norma (Payne)Blankenbeker
Myrna Fry
Gene & Betty Pieplow
Bob and Tammy Boose
Les & Stacy Higgason & Family
Marilyn Shipley
Jim & Karen Williams
Jan Jennings
Ruth Steele
Jim Yates
Kim Bratton
Lowell & Brenda K Showalters
Margie Bogle
June Payne
Terri Gill Barche
Mike and Sharon Gray
Willie Thompson
Phil and Barb Poe
Judy Anderson Mearns
Ron & Mary Anne Ayers
Greg & Diana Rutland
Dorothy Uebinger
Sam &Clara Booth
Cheryl McCarty
Kristina Bryant
Gary and Jan Burt


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Flora, Illinois 62839

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