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Betty Boyd

Apr 13th, 1930 - Feb 7th, 2018

Funeral:  ​3 p.m. Sunday, February 11, 2018 at Frank & Bright Funeral Home

Visitation:  ​1-3 p.m. Sunday, February 11, 2018 at Frank & Bright Funeral Home

Interment:  Elmwood Cemetery


   Betty R. Boyd, age 87, of Flora, Illinois, passed away Wednesday, February 7, 2018, at Clay County Hospital in Flora.

   She was born on April 13, 1930, in Flora, IL, the daughter of Everett and Flossie (Moore) Walters.  Betty was united in marriage to Orville “Bud” Boyd in Flora.  He preceded her in death in 1963.

   Remembered for her warm smile and friendly sense of humor, Betty was a kind and caring mother and grandmother.  After becoming a widow at the young age of 33, she chose never to remarry.  Her family and faith were her number one priorities. She sacrificed much to ensure that her “two girls” received college educations. 

   Betty worked for many years as a cook at Unit #35.  She dedicated countless hours as Retired Senior Volunteer Program Coordinator through CEFS, and served as a volunteer in other capacities.  As a devout Democrat, she worked many years on the Election Board.  She was a longtime member of McCabe General Baptist Church and was steadfast in her belief.  Betty was an enthusiastic sports fan, following local Wolves football and basketball, as well as televised football and Cubs and Cardinals baseball. 

   She is survived by 2 daughters: Karen Foster (Jerry) of Leesburg, Florida, Christine Boyd (John Shrum) of Chatham; 2 grandchildren: Derek Greenwood (Wendy) of Flora and Courtney Boyd of Newton; 2 great-grandchildren: Kaitlyn Greenwood and Jazmine Kohn; and 1 great-great-grandchild: Harper Pennington. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; infant son: Kevin; and a sister: Bernadine Ferguson.

   A funeral service will be 3 p.m. Sunday, February 11, 2018, at Frank & Bright Funeral Home in Flora.  Burial will follow in Elmwood Cemetery.  Visitation will be held from 1-3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.  Memorials are suggested to McCabe General Baptist Church.  


Mary Anne Maxwell

Feb 22, 1950 - Mar 12, 2025

Barbara Sheffield

Oct 18, 1950 - Mar 6, 2025

June Riley

Jun 4, 1921 - Mar 4, 2025

Kay 'Katy' Fuson

Jul 28, 1945 - Mar 4, 2025

Dan Warren

Aug 9, 1940 - Mar 1, 2025




Tim Hahn

February 8th

God's peace be with you and all your family, Chris.

Bud & Linda Martin

February 8th

Karen, Chris and Families: We are so very sorry for your loss. Your mother was such a kind and caring woman. We loved her and have many memories to cherish. Please know that y’all are in our thoughts and prayers. RIP sweet Betty❣️

Judy Bryden

February 8th

Betty was such a dear sweet lady! She was a dedicated volunteer at Clay County blood drives for many years. I used to love delivering Meals on Wheels to her. She will be missed.

Mark Henson

February 8th

I remember Betty and Bud and the girls growing up near us about a block away on North Olive. I remember Betty as always smiling and welcoming and gave us neighbor kids a feeling of safety and acceptance into her home. Thanks, Betty, for your smile and good childhood memories.

Jill & Jim Fehrenbacher

February 8th

Karen and Chris, I am so sorry to hear this. Your Mother was a delightful woman. Her smile lit up the room! Love to you both.

Doug and Nancy Mills

February 8th

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Chrissy and all your family

Jo Stine

February 8th

So sorry to hear about Betty. She was another mom to all of us kids!! Loved her dearly. Momma and her had some crazy times! I can see them now....smiling and laughing together. Lots of prayers and hugs.

Linda chadwell

February 8th

Guess bettyknew me all my life she was a wonderful lady and always so good a person to everyone she saw god has a special place in heaven foe her prayers for all

Paula Clayton

February 8th

Karen and Crissy - I am so sorry for your loss. Betty was so fortunate to have you girls to watch over her - I know that from when she was in the room next to me at Flora Rehab. She was a delight to visit with-broke up long days for sure. Trust in GOD - he will give you strength and his Love.

Ella Burgess

February 8th

So sorry about Betty. She was a good friend.

Sarah Lampley

February 8th

Sorry for you & your family loss

Janice Cook

February 8th

I have many great memories of Betty. Prayers of comfort for Karen, Chris, and their families.

Marsha Heckwine

February 8th

Karen Very good childhood memories, slumber parties, parties, going to church on Sunday and on and on. Your family was one of many who contributed to a memborable childhood. I have a special place sketched in my memory for the kindness and support Betty gave me 50 years ago. A special person. I was there when your dad passed. I will be thinking of you. To be absent from the body is to be present with Christ. May God be with you and your family.

Russell and Wanda Eastin

February 8th

Karen, Chris and Derek, So sad to learn of Betty's passing from this earth into our Heavenly Father's hands of peace. She was so sweet and jolly when I visited her and Karen. So sorry for you all for your loss of a wonderful mother and grandmother.

Mike & Deb McKinney

February 8th

Cannot begin to express the sorrow of the loss. Karen & Chris know that our hearts go out to you.

Curt and Janet Lewis

February 8th

Chris we are so sorry. Your mom was such a wonderful lady. Many fond memories of her through out the years. You were blessed to have such an amazing mom. Love you

Charlie and Patty Peters

February 8th

We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Becky Dulaney Wyatt

February 8th

Karen and Chris, I'm sorry to hear that your mother has passed on because I know you will miss her so much. It may help to remember that she is in a happier place.


February 8th

Donna and Pat Corry

February 8th

Chris and Family, we were so sorry to hear of Betty's passing. She was a very sweet lady. It was always a pleasure to talk to her. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you all.

Ted Whitehead

February 9th

Karen and Chrissy, Sorry for your loss. Betty was a wonderful person, she helped raise so many of us. Her smile will forever be in my mind Our prayers are with you! God Bless!

Teresa Boose

February 9th

Chris and family. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. You are on my thoughts and prayers.


February 9th

During my life, I have not met anyone who more represents the Christian life or what it means to be a Christian, than Betty. She loved, she cared, she touched others, she gave. As a Christian, Betty is promised eternal life. With all of my heart, I believe that as soon as Betty passed, she was with her Lord and Savior Jesus. She heard, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." 1 Thess. 4:17: So shall she ever be with the Lord. Thank you, Betty, for all of the goodness you brought to my life. Anonymous

Doug & Debbie (Showalters) Slover

February 9th

Sincere sympathies to Karen, Chris and family on the loss of their mother, Betty. She will be missed by many.

Alan Buck

February 9th

Sympathy is extended to The Family. Sorry for Your Loss. A Fine Lady has passed

Donna Kincaid Phillips

February 9th

Courtney, Jazmine and family, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at the loss of your grandmother/mother. May the Lord comfort you at this difficult time.

Bill & Brenda Britton

February 9th

Very sorry for your loss.

Pam (Glassford) Smith

February 9th

Dear Karen and Chris, What a sweet woman your Mom was. I'll always cherish the memories I have of her and your Dad. Their love will live forever through you and your families. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. May God comfort and bless you in the days ahead.

Susan & Chad King

February 9th

Sorry for your loss. Betty was such a great lady. I'm glad she got to see her Chicago Cubs win the World Series...

Vickie Simpson

February 10th

Karen & Chris - so sorry for your loss. Know that comforting prayers are going upward for you and family. Your mother, as so many has stated, always had a smile. It was a loving smile and you knew it was a real smile from the bottom of her toes to her mouth.

Taylor Postin

February 10th

Karen, so sorry for the loss of your mother! Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Margie Dettmer

February 10th

So sorry for your loss of your Mother.

Steve and Betty Stanford

February 10th

Thoughts and prayers go out to all who loved her dearly.

Carl and Brenda Bandy

February 10th

Karen, Chris, and all your family members, we are so sorry that you have lost your mother. She was a sweetheart and all around wonderful woman. I know you both are going to miss her terribly. I also know, you both know, she is in heaven with our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. She is so happy today and always will be. Keep that close to your heart. We are thinking of all of you, and keeping you all in our prayers.

Susan vaughn

February 10th

So sorry Chris i always loved your mom. She aleays reminded me of my mom. Bless you sending prayers

Terri Glaspy Evans

February 10th

Praying for God to bless and comfort you though this difficult time. Betty was a wonderful lady and I know all of us have fond memories of her growing up. Praying for your family.

Sam and Ramona Anderson

February 11th

Our sympathy and warmest thoughts are with you now. Wishing you all God's peace.

Barbara Clifton

February 12th

Karen & Chris Carole L and I had planned to see you at the visitation but decided that neither one of us needed to get on the ice. Carole has some health problems and I ruptured my achiles tendon and had to have it repaired surgically this past year. Your mom was the sweetest lady and I truly remember all those Reading Recovery book bags she brought us. You have our sympathy & please extend our condolences to Jerry, John and rest of your family. If you can let us know where your staying maybe Carole and I will see you when it's convenient for you and Chris Barb & Carole

Russell and Denise Anderson

February 11th

Sorry for your loss what a sweet lady. Gods Blessings

Karen&Owen Smith

February 11th

Sending our condolences to her family and friends. She was a really nice lady. Foever in our hearts. Prayers and hugs.

Bill and Robin Ernest

February 12th

Karen and Chrissy, so wish we could be there. I remember seeing your mother a number of years ago when visiting the Venables. Loved Betty, never a bad day, and frankly that held up even at the nursing home when I visited with Bruce. Love to the entire family, she will be missed....

Trudy Zimmerman Stanford

February 15th

As many have already said .....Chrissy and Karen your mom helped raise all of us!!! If she did not want us there she never ever acted like she did. I had just thought about our graduation trip to Florida Chrissy, Debbie Holland.....we used her car and she only had one!!! Loved her much and now she is with tour dad, Becky Lehman and of course all in the Lord's house.

Jerry & Betty Moore

February 15th

Karen & Chrissey, we are so sorry we were not able to come down for your Mom' s {Cousin Betty's} service. Our love & prayer's are with you & your familie's.

Jane Snyder

February 20th

Chris and Karen and sorry to learn of your mother's passing. I remember her all those years ago at McEndree School. She always had a bright smile and cheery manner. God bless you as you cope with this great loss!



Jill & Jim Fehrenbacher
Ted & Jackie Richardson
Larry and Sue Kramer
Bill & Kay Kitley
Jane Janes
Courtney Steen-Keller
Bud & Linda Martin
David and Judy Bryden
Jim and Cheryl McCarty
Larry Frost
Ray Shannon, & Shad
Roger Parish
The James & Eleanor Boyd Families (lit by Tina)
Jack, Hollie, & Mika Kelly
Steve and Marsha
Doug and Nancy Mills
Donna & Pat Corry
Linda chadwell
Mary Beth and Tom Lancaster
Jo Stine
Pat Burt
Terri Gill Barche
Paul & Judy Winters
Debbie (King) Casell
All 70's Reunion
Janice Cook
Ed and Ruth Trowbridge
Russell and Wanda Eastin
Micheal W. & Kristal G. Engelmeier
Mike & Deb McKinney
Chuck & Nancy Buchanan
Charlie and Patty Peters
Renee and Connie Vandaveer
Bennie and Barb Vandaveer
Randy & Lisa Hargis
Dana and Janet Franklin
Ken & Tammy Haven
Wayne Eastin & Diane Johnson
Paul and Jo Ann Crain
Pete & Esther Walker
Marty, Nancy & Sterling Thompson
Yancey and Lori Glassford
Sarah Lampley
Suzanne Acree
David-Merlene Eastin& Family
Ruth Stanford
Carol & Jerry Wood
Sharon Sanders Felix
Sharon David
Sammie Wickiser
Linda ( Rodgers) Cammon
Walt and Doloris Brewer
Diane Lehman
Ron & Jeannie Kincaid
Ronnie &Rachel Kincaid
Randy & Teresa Bayler
The Rodgers family
Ferne Harrell
Donna Kincaid Phillips
ruth hoard
Diane Becker
Jim & Karen Williams
Linda and Jerry Judd
Clay County Democratic Party
June Payne
Linda & Dewayne Lawrence
Chad & Susan King
Rita Atkisson Guinn
Barbara Williams
Tony and Janice Randall.
Doug & Debbie (Showalters) Slover
Pam (Glassford) Smith
Jackie Hess Evans
Dennis and Candace Goodman
Bud and Linda Lents
Doris Griffith
Bruce & Robbin Dickey
Andy, Deirdre, Evan & Caitlin Klein
Jim Fry
Ella Burgess
Clay County Hospital Auxiliary
Bob and MaryJane Dodge
Norman Phillips
Ross & Kathy Kincaid
Linda Lewis and Family
Gene & Betty Pieplow
Jerry "Butch" Erwin
Carl and Brenda Bandy
Mary K. Kittle
Debbie (Brewer) Spillman
Connie Kittle Ranes Osborne
Becky (Pierson) Williams
Susan Vaughn
Betty Tucker Simmons
Myron and Gail Woomer
Cindy and Roger Cook
Mike Sweeney
Sam and Ramona Anderson
Steve & Lisa Persinger
Tim Shirar
Mark&Janet Weber
Trudy Zimmerman Stanford
Karen Smith
Barbara Clifton
Sharon Purcell and family
David Lewis
Jerry & Betty Moore
Scott Sullens


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Frank & Bright Funeral Home
and Cremation Services

500 North Main Street
Flora, Illinois 62839

Phone : (618) 662-2141
Fax: (618) 662-4600
Email: [email protected]

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